Intructions for authors

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor at

Book reviews should be sent at

Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.


1. Language

The language of the journal is English. Single words or short phrases, where essential to the argument, may be left in their original language; however, all quotations should appear in the body of the text in English. In cases where standard scholarly translations of the quoted texts are available, scholars may rely on them for both text and notes according to the professional standards of their fields of specialization. If such editions are not widely and readily available, the original text must be provided either in the notes, or in an appendix.

2. Blinding

The manuscript should be prepared for blind peer review. To this end, all identifying elements should be deleted from it. The authors may cite their own work where necessary, as long as the language they use does not identify them as the authors (i.e., they should only refer to their work in 3rd person). The name and affiliation of the author(s), their position and current appointment (if different), together with the full address (including fax, telephone and email) of the author who is to check the proofs, will be included in a separate title page.

3. Mandatory elements

With the exception of book reviews, all submissions must contain an abstract, 4 to 8 keywords, and a separate heading for the conclusions section. The abstract should be a long, structured one of up to 200 words. It should not contain any undefined abbreviation or unspecified references.

4. Formatting

Submissions should be sent both as .doc and as .pdf files. The text should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt, have double line spacing and wide margins. The first line of all paragraphs should be indented by 1.27 cm (0.5 inch). If the manuscript contains extensive blocks of special characters (i.e. Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, or other non-Latin alphabets), authors need to submit the complete block as an image file, not in text format.

5. Punctuation

Please use double quotes (“…”) for initial quotations, and single quotes (‘…’) for quotations within the initial quotation. Commas and periods should be placed within quotations, even if they don’t belong to the original material quoted. Quotations of more than 3 lines should be placed in a free-standing block of text indented one inch from the left margin, no quotations marks required.

6. References

References will be given in the endnotes, no separate reference list required. When citing a work for the first time, please use the following format:

  • Book:

Bolzoni, L., The Gallery of Memory (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001), 155-156.

  • Translated book:

Febvre, L., The Problem of Unbelief in the Sixteenth Century: The Religion of Rabelais, trans. B. Gottlieb (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982), 126–27.

  • Collection of essays

Price, B., (ed.), New Atlantis: Interdisciplinary Essays (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2002)

  • Article from a collection of essays:

Colclough, D., “Ethics and Politics in New Atlantis”, in  New Atlantis: Interdisciplinary Essays, ed. B. Price (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2002), 60-82.

  • Journal article:

Chignell, A., “Kant’s Concepts of Justification”, Noûs 41/1 (2007): 33-63.

  • Sources available online:

Coffey, J., “The Impact of Apocalipticism during the Puritan Revolutions”,  Perichoresis  42 (2006): 126  [Online] Available via,  cited 25.09.2007.

For subsequent citations of a work, please indicate the name of the author, the year of the publication and the page number. Examples are provided below:

  • Book

Bolzoni, L., (2001), 154.

  • Journal article

Chignell, A., (2007): 35.

For classical references, the edition, as well as credit for translation, must be specified the first time a work is cited. You should use standard scholarly editions and translations when they exist for the work in question unless your argument requires otherwise. References to information supplied by a modern editor must include page numbers. References to the classical text must include the standard identification numbers for that text, such as book and chapter numbers or Stephanus numbers. Use Arabic numbers for all divisions. Standard abbreviations may be used.

Plato, Republic, 360E–361B.

Cicero, De officiis, 1.133.

7. A note about notes

Apart for an initial footnote providing the author’s affiliation and contact details, our journal only uses endnotes.


Proofs will be sent to the author for checking. This stage is to be used only to correct errors that may have been introduced during the production process. Prompt return of the corrected proofs, preferably within two days of receipt, will minimize the risk of the paper being held over to a later issue.


The journal will publish both book reviews and lists of new book titles considered of relevance for those interested in the field of history of political thought and history of ideas.