ARTS OF THINKING AND ARTS OF HEALING IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE: PHILOSOPHY, MEDICINE AND POLITICS INTRODUCTION ARTS, SCIENCES AND THE MEDICINE OF THE MIND: METHODOLOGICAL DISCUSSIONS IN EARLY MODERN EUROPEDana JALOBEANU* Francis Bacon’s famous division of the ‘arts intellectuall’1 gives pride of place to inquiry or ‘invention’ over judgment, memory or transmission. It is especially […]
Category: Vol. 6 no. 1
Consolations for Melancholy in Renaissance Humanism
CONSOLATIONS FOR MELANCHOLY IN RENAISSANCE HUMANISMAngus GOWLAND* Abstract. This essay explores the role of melancholy within the consolatory literature of Renaissance humanism. It begins (sections I-II) with a summary of the themes and methods of humanist consolationes and their classical models, with particular attention to their moral psychology, and addresses their relationship with scripture and […]
Theories of Emotion in Etienne Chauvin’s Lexicon Philosophicum
THEORIES OF EMOTION IN ETIENNE CHAUVIN’S LEXICON PHILOSOPHICUMGiuliano GASPARRI* Abstract. This paper touches on various philosophical theories of emotion through the analysis of a few entries in the Lexicon philosophicum (1692, 17132) by EtienneChauvin: the articles “Affectus” and “Passio” (‘emotion’) and “Admiratio” (‘wonder’).Chauvin’s Lexicon is usually considered to be the first ‘modern’ philosophical dictionary. By […]
Old Habits Die Hard: The Royal Society, Theophilus Gale and the Intellectual Virtues
OLD HABITS DIE HARD: THE ROYAL SOCIETY, THEOPHILUS GALE AND THE INTELLECTUAL VIRTUES1 Daniel ANDERSSON* Abstract. There were several English attempts to rethink ideas about cognition in the wake of the new attention and status given to natural philosophy in the seventeenth century. This article focuses on one of them, that of the Hebraist and […]
“Curing” Pyrrhonian Doubt: Anti-Skeptical Rhetoric in the Early 18th Century
“CURING” PYRRHONIAN DOUBT: ANTI-SKEPTICAL RHETORIC IN THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY Anton MATYTSIN* Abstract. By examining the analogies of sickness and disease used by several opponents of philosophical skepticism (Pyrrhonism) in the early 18th century, this article will shed light on the rhetorical strategies used in attempts to undermine the revival of this ancient school of […]
The Status of Bacon in Gassendi’s Syntagma Philosophicum History of Logic
THE STATUS OF BACON IN GASSENDI’S SYNTAGMA PHILOSOPHICUM HISTORY OF LOGICElodie CASSAN* Abstract. One trademark of the early-modern period is the tendency to base logic on theory of mind, but so far, this topic has not received close attention. The aim of this paper is to bring some attention to this neglected topic by examining […]
Rebuilding Solomon’s House: A Collection of Utopias and other Texts Belonging to the 17th Century
REBUILDING SOLOMON’S HOUSE: A COLLECTION OF UTOPIAS AND OTHER TEXTS BELONGING TO THE 17th CENTURYDana Jalobeanu (ed.), Casa lui Solomon sau fascinatia utopiei. Stiinta, religie si politica în Anglia secolului al XII-lea (Bucuresti: All, 2011), ISBN 978-973-571-992-0, pp. 431Laura PRECUP-STIGELBAUER* New Atlantis is today probably the most renowned of Bacon’s writings, although it has been […]
A Historical Exposition of Man’s Perennial Search for Certitude
A HISTORICAL EXPOSITION OF MAN’S PERENNIAL SEARCH FOR CERTITUDESusan E. Schreiner, Are You Alone Wise? The Search for Certainty in the Early Modern Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), ISBN-13: 9780195313420, ISBN-10: 0195313429, pp vii-480Sandra DRAGOMIR* The age we live in is no less tormented by the search for certitude than all the previous historical […]
Akrasia in the Early Modern Thought
AKRASIA IN THE EARLY MODERN THOUGHTRisto Saarinen, Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), ISBN 978-0-19-960681-8, pp. vi+248Sebastian MATEIESCU* Medea’s famous words “I see the better and approve it, but I follow the worse”1 fully illustrates men’s paradoxical way of acting known in the ancient Greek under the […]
The Far East – The Middle East. Israel’s Presence in Francophone Literature
THE FAR EAST – THE MIDDLE EAST. ISRAEL’S PRESENCE IN FRANCOPHONE LITERATURE(Till R. Kuhnle, Carmen Oszi, Saskia S. Wiedner (eds.), Orient lointain – proche Orient, La présence d’Israël dans la littérature francophone (Tübingen: Editions Narr Verlag, 2011), ISBN 978-3-8233- 65167-7, pp. 160Speranta Sofia MILANCOVICI* The University of Augsburg hosted, in late 2008, the sixth edition […]