Locke and Descartes on Mental Transparency Philipp N. MÜLLER Abstract.The transparency thesis – i.e. the doctrine that every mental state is necessarily conscious – was a widespread view in early modern philosophy. In this paper, I inquire into the role of mental transparency in the philosophies of John Locke and René Descartes. I begin […]
Category: Vol. 12 no. 2
Memory, Recollection and Consciousness in Spinoza’s Ethics
Memory, Recollection and Consciousness in Spinoza’s Ethics Olivér István TÓTH Abstract.Spinoza’s account of memory has not received enough attention, even though it is relevant for his theory of consciousness. Recent literature has studied the “pancreas problem.” This paper argues that there is an analogous problem for memories: if memories are in the mind, why is […]
Intellectual Memory and Consciousness in Descartes’s Philosophy of Mind
Intellectual Memory and Consciousness in Descartes’s Philosophy of Mind Dániel SCHMAL Abstract. Although Descartes’s ideas regarding consciousness and memory have been studied extensively, few attempts have been made to address their systemic relations. In order to redress this deficiency, I argue in favor of three interrelated theses. The first is that intellectual memory has […]
Ockham on Awareness of One’s Acts: A Way Out of the Circle
Ockham on Awareness of One’s Acts: A Way Out of the Circle Sonja SCHIERBAUM Abstract. In this paper, I proceed from the assumption that Ockham‟s account of self-awareness can be correctly described as a kind of higher-order approach, because just like modern higher-order theorists, Ockham accounts for a mental act being conscious in terms […]
Preface: Remembering Consciousness
Preface: Remembering Consciousness Martin KLEIN Naomi OSORIO-KUPFERBLUM Olivér István TÓTH Research in ancient and mediaeval philosophy has made it increasingly clear that questions similar to modern concerns about consciousness were already considered before the early modern period, even if those debates took place in their particular contexts and in different conceptual frameworks. These philosophical […]