History and Evolution of the Sanctioning Regime Applied to Minors in Romania

History and Evolution of the Sanctioning Regime Applied to Minors in Romania

Diana Biris, Claudia Feher


Abstract. This paper analyzes the history and evolution of the sanctioning regime applied to minors, with a particular presentation of the situation in Romania. With the entry into force of the new Criminal Code on February 1, 2014, the legislator adopted a sanctioning regime applicable to minors consisting exclusively of educational measures. This approach is in line with the European criminal policy and is intended to contribute to the re-education and social reintegration of juvenile offenders. Thus, through an in-depth research of custodial and non-custodial educational measures, as well as by analyzing the amendment of the criminal law applied to juvenile offenders, we set out to comprehensively expose the significant changes brought through the current Criminal Code, analyzing and interpreting its provisions.

Keywords: criminal liability, crime, minority, educational measures

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