Power from Church to State. Historiography between Politics and Diplomacy – Case Study

Power from Church to State. Historiography between Politics and Diplomacy – Case Study



Abstract. This study does not intend to change the perspective on the publication it refers to, namely Marx’s Notes about Romanians, published by the Romanian Academy Publishing-House, in which the famous author – quoting a 19th century French source – records the abuses suffered by the Romanian located within the extra-Carpathian principalities (due to the Tsarist interventionism), as well as in Transylvania (under the pressure of the Hungarian nobility). The publishing of these notes during strained times between the Romanian Labor Party and the other parties in the communist block-generated by the more and more apparent orientation of Romanian leaders towards a national politics – was seen, especially by the Soviet and Hungarian communists, as a gesture of defiance of the “friendly countries” and even of revisionism. Consequently, the diplomatic resonances became apparent. The Soviet and the Hungarian responses are the most renown, and both are worthy of the consideration that this study will give it.

Keywords: Notes about Romanians, Karl Marx, Central Committee of Romanian Labor Party, histroriography, politics, diplomacy

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