The Emergence of a New Leadership in Changing Times. Looking for an in situ Transylvanian Elite during the 1918 Revolution

The Emergence of a New Leadership in Changing Times. Looking for an in situ Transylvanian  Elite during the 1918 Revolution
Andreea Dăncilă INEOAN

Abstract: The period between the end of October and the beginning of December 1918 was for Transylvania an interval marked by deep instability, generated by a strong challenge to the established authority. Against this background, what has remained in historiography as the national revolution in Transylvania took place, with reference to the transition from the old Austro-Hungarian imperial structures to the Romanian ones. Exploiting the results of a collective interwar survey, our study attempts to determine the profile of the new community leaders emerging in these revolutionary times, the source of their legitimacy and the agenda according to which they act.

Keywords: revolution, leadership, 1918, Transylvania

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