An Ornate Book Written in the Guard Room of the Muse Clio (review of Ioan Bizău, Tradiție și continuitate artistică la Nicula. Contribuția călugărului Ilarion Mureșan (Tradition and artistic continuity at Nicula. The contribution of the monk Ilarion Mureșan) (Cluj-Napoca: Renașterea, 2020)

An Ornate Book Written in the Guard Room of the Muse Clio (review of Ioan Bizău, Tradiție și continuitate artistică la Nicula. Contribuția călugărului Ilarion Mureșan (Tradition and artistic continuity at Nicula. The contribution of the monk Ilarion Mureșan) (Cluj-Napoca: Renașterea, 2020) Ilie GHERHEȘ The craft of icon painting/painting on glass began in the mid 18th century […]

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The Cities of Central Europe at the Twilight of the Habsburg Empire (review of Catherine Horel, Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023)

The Cities of Central Europe at the Twilight of the Habsburg Empire (review of  Catherine Horel, Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023) Mihaela Livia GULEȘ Catherine Horel is Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), specialist in Central Europe, teaches at […]

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The Search for the Soul of Plants (review of Fabrizio Baldassarri and Andreas Blank, eds., Vegetative Powers. The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy, International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives, volume 234, Cham: Springer, 2021)

The Search for the Soul of Plants (review of Fabrizio Baldassarri and Andreas Blank, eds., Vegetative Powers. The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy, International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives, volume 234, Cham: Springer, 2021) Sabin Dumitru COROIAN This volume is constructed around the activity of several research projects […]

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The Emergence of a New Leadership in Changing Times. Looking for an in situ Transylvanian Elite during the 1918 Revolution

The Emergence of a New Leadership in Changing Times. Looking for an in situ Transylvanian  Elite during the 1918 Revolution Andreea Dăncilă INEOAN Abstract: The period between the end of October and the beginning of December 1918 was for Transylvania an interval marked by deep instability, generated by a strong challenge to the established authority. […]

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Intellectuals and Culture: Contributions to the Development of the Jewish Elite in the Central European Context

Intellectuals and Culture: Contributions to the Development of the Jewish Elite in the Central European Context Margareta SZEGŐ Abstract. This narrative unfolds a captivating historical tapestry of the Jewish elite in Arad, Romania, spanning various domains of influence. Focused on individuals like Aron Chorin, Ármin Éles, Ármin Wallfisch, József Stauber, József Károly, Sándor Károly, Nándor […]

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Întâia vizită în Transilvania a Regelui Ferdinand și a Reginei Maria, Second Edition (Baia Mare: Marist Publishing House, 2019)

Emil Stoian, Sebastian Măluşelu- Întâia vizită în Transilvania a Regelui Ferdinand și a Reginei Maria, Second Edition (Baia Mare: Marist Publishing House, 2019) Roxana Silvia Moraru The book Întâia vizită în Transilvania a regelui Ferdinand și a reginei Maria (The First Visit to Transylvania of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie) represents, from a historiographical point […]

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Feeling Like It: A Theory of Inclination and Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)

Tamar Schapiro- Feeling Like It: A Theory of Inclination and Will (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) Cristian Vulpe Feeling like doing something is different from deciding to do it. Being inclined to act and willing to act are distinct expressions of agency. Nevertheless, they are importantly connected. In her captivating new book, Feeling Like It, […]

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