The Cities of Central Europe at the Twilight of the Habsburg Empire (review of Catherine Horel, Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023)

The Cities of Central Europe at the Twilight of the Habsburg Empire (review of  Catherine Horel, Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2023)

Mihaela Livia GULEȘ

Catherine Horel is Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), specialist in Central Europe, teaches at Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne. Her doctorate in history was obtained with the thesis Les Juifs de Hongrie, 1825 1849, problemes d’assim ilation et d’emancipation.
The idea of this book came to h er during the years in which s he taught the subject about the cities in the space crossed by the D anube Metropolen Donauraum ). She decided that s he would research the smaller cities in this space, because cities like Vienna, Budapest and Prague already had studies, extensive research dedicated to them.

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