CIA Reports on the Early Years of Communism in Romania (1946 – 1949)

CIA Reports on the Early Years of Communism in Romania (1946 – 1949)

Dan Roman

Abstract. An institution created with the main purpose of ensuring adequate knowledge, substantiated in an integrated manner, of the threat the USSR represented both to the USA and to the free world in general, the CIA carried out a sustained activity in this direction. After the Second World War, Romania came completely under Soviet influence and became a Communist country fully aligned with the Moscow command. Declassified CIA documents on the early period of the Communist system in Romania highlight, first and foremost, the subjugation of this southeastern European country to the interests of the USSR. Exploring this reality behind the Iron Curtain in the early years of the Cold War, the study presents various documents from the CIA archives,
regarding Romania, on three main elements: political intelligence, economic intelligence, and military intelligence.

Keywords: CIA, Communism, Cold War, Intelligence, Romania, USRR, Sovietization

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